Tremont Temple Rehearing


The Macon-Bibb Planning and Zoning Commission voted today to re-hear the demolition request for the historic Tremont Temple building at 860 Forsyth St. The hearing will be held on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 1:30pm on the 10th floor of 682 Cherry St and is open to the public.

Historic Macon Foundation remains opposed to the demolition. The only evidence presented to justify demolition is the poor condition of the building, which was caused by the applicant neglecting common and reasonable maintenance. Granting the demolition permit is bad policy, as it encourages other owners to neglect maintenance as a strategy for circumventing Macon's demolition procedures. Historic Macon's offer to purchase the church, and assume all liability for its stabilization and rehabilitation, is still a viable alternative to demolition for the congregation. The future of the building is very much in danger.