If you will be sending out a check or two to your favorite nonprofits during the holiday season, we hope you’ll keep Historic Macon in mind.

Giving can take many different forms, of course. Besides a donation, maybe you give a friend or neighbor a Historic Macon membership at one of the 11 different levels we offer. Perhaps you share part of the “required minimum distribution” from your IRA or honor a friend or loved one with a tribute or memorial donation.

We’d also be happy to talk to you about gifts of stock or planned giving: bequests of money, securities or real estate, or charitable trust or life insurance payments.

When you support Historic Macon — at any time of the year — you help us achieve our goals and mission: to revitalize communities by preserving architecture and sharing history. During this season of giving, we thank you for your support. Rest assured that we’ll put your donation to work locally, boosting the power of preservation. 

To direct your donation to a specific purpose (e.g., Friends of Rose Hill, Lanier Education Fund, HMF Endowment, Fading Five Fund) or in honor of a relative or friend, email with the details. 

Our mission is to revitalize communities by preserving architecture and sharing history.

One of the benefits of your property residing in a National Register Historic District is preservation incentives. Historic tax credits allow citizens to undertake rehabilitation projects at a reasonable cost and Historic Macon is here to walk you through that process.

Tax credits & other consulting services >

A key part of Historic Macon's mission is education. We tell the stories of people who make a difference in our preservation community, as well as those pioneering visionaries whose shoulders we stand on today. Read more about them HERE.